Thursday, December 21, 2006

Google's Secret Plot

So, after writing 5 data sheets in 24 hours, I thought I'd head over to You Tube for a little R&R. 20 minutes of videos (and complete non-productivity) later, I've come to realize that Google's secret plot to take over the world is entirely based on its ability to bring worker productivity to a screeching halt.

First, there was Google search. The ability to turn an innocent search like "unstructured data management" into a 3-hour boondoggle involving elephants and hot travel spots in Pakistan.

Then there was Google news. This enables me to get, in my email box, hot news updates every day on AS MANY TOPICS as I like. Even news stories that are 3 years old get follow ups. (Anyone remember the poor woman who got beaned on the head by a wayward Macy's parade balloon?)

Now, Google's bought You far the most devilish time waster yet.

When are you going to buy eBay?