Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Powerset Factz

Although I've now left Inxight to join Mu-Gahat (a leading manufacturer of RFID and gaming technologies), I came across an email today mentioning Powerset Factz, which are aggregated from across Wikipedia articles to summarize a topic. When you click a word in Factz, Powerset will show you the sentence it was derived from.

So I tried a few Mu-Gahat-related queries.

For example, the query on Powerset "who invented RFID?" resulted in no Factz, but did inform me that "In 1946 Léon Theremin invented an espionage tool for the Soviet Union which retransmitted incident radio waves with audio information." So not entirely bad.

A query on "playing card" resulted in these Factz:
beat: record.
flip: card.
show: suits.
depict: figures.

Hmm. Not very useful.

However, I then tried a search on everyone's favorite -- Steve Jobs. Jackpot! Over 123 Factz generated including:
  • introduced: iPod, service, Mac OS X, AirPort, ibook, QuickTime TV, device, iMac, powerbook, suffix, Apple II, generation, mini, computer, duo, iPhone, MacBook Air, application, GarageBand, Macs, original, and Macintosh.
  • founded: Apple, company, NeXT, Apple Computer, Pixar, markets, and Apple Inc.
  • announced: music, iPhone, Safari, iPhone, change, widgets, ski, Fi, App Store, charge, device, Developer Transition Kits, plans, partnership, Halo, deal, models, and computer.

So I think this technology shows some promise, but still has a long way to go (introduced suffix? Is that a new OS? )

Oh, and just for fun, I tried one more:

Who is the mole?

Alas, Powerset has not yet developed Poweset Psychicz. Maybe next year.