Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Take Search the Extra Mile

Extending Enterprise Search with Google and Inxight

Thursday, June 15, 2006
11 AM PDT / 2 PM EDT
To register, visit

Google and Inxight Software have teamed up to make it even easier to find documents, discover trends and find information within documents in the enterprise. Join us for a free webinar, hosted by Google and Inxight, in which we’ll demonstrate the combination of the Google Search Appliance and Inxight’s new Search Extender for Google.

In this webinar, we’ll demonstrate how the Google Search Appliance combined with Inxight’s Search Extender for Google can help you get more value from your information. The Google Search Appliance provides Google-quality search across your Web servers, file systems, portals, content management systems and relational databases. The Inxight Search Extender for Google integrates with the Google Search Appliance to enable users to filter search results sets and more easily navigate through documents, seeing at-a-glance automatically extracted people, companies, places, and other information.

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