Thursday, March 29, 2007

Musings on 8 Years of Information Understanding

This week marks my 4th year with Inxight. I was mulling this thought over, and then I got nostalgic and went to look at our old iSyndicate ad.

After years of working to help people connect chips to boards, the last 8 years of my work life been devoted to connecting people with information.

At iSyndicate, it was all about hooking up individual content creators with a market for their content -- and hooking up website owners with the content their viewers wanted to read.

At Kovair, it was about hooking up strategic account managers with information about what was going on within their accounts -- who was talking with whom, what the latest news was, etc.

At Butterfly, it was all about teaching administrators about security threats. Our product not only blocked incoming threats, but was the first one designed to educate the administrator about the history and nature of the threat.

And at Inxight, it's all about a computer "reading" and automatically tagging content so that you can find what you're looking for more effectively -- helping to hook up content creators with markets, account managers with information about their accounts, administrators with information...

Sometimes I worry that what I have been doing isn't noble enough -- that I should be trying to design a better electric car, figuring out a way to save the polar bears, or fighting global terrorism.

But sophisticated dissemination of information on a global scale is what sets us apart from all others. By helping others share information effectively, maybe I will help other bright people design a better electric car, save the polar bears, stop a terrorist in his tracks.

En arche en ho logos, kai ho logos en pros ton theon, kai theos en ho logos.
"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God." (John 1:1).

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