Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Retraction...

After a few weeks of consideration, I've decided that Business Objects has the best marketing -- ever!

And this has nothing to do with the fact that they've just announced their intent to acquire the company at which I work (Inxight).

Seriously, the marriage should be worthwhile for both companies. I've been touting for awhile the notion that in order to truly organize the world's information, you need both structured data and unstructured data. In order to truly have business intelligence, you can't just look at numbers; otherwise, you'd just have a lot of computers sitting in offices as opposed to highly paid executives. (Hmm...)

If we posit that text analytics (Inxight) organizes the world's unstructured information, and that traditional business intelligence (BOBJ) organizes the world's structured information, what challenge does that open?

Making it accessible and useful.

I'll be thinking about this for awhile. I probably won't be blogging about it for awhile, to prevent revealing information I'm not going to be able to share.

Bring it on!

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